
Are you IN-TUNE with INDUSTRY 4.0?

INNOFLEX understand the complexity of the Digital Transformation and has begins our release of ZEGGO COOLHUB Digital Cooling platform, achieving major tasks in HVAC system:


A state-of-the-art, modular architecture mechanism offering a graphical operational capability, upgradability and enhanced functionality for users to monitoring and control the facility systems.

Our digital platform in HVAC (gas system) is one of the leading smart proof-of-statistic, its intelligent control logic uses formal verification, allowing them to be mathematically verified, reliable, and secure, thus given the system a complete Predictive & Preventive measurement for the maintenance operation team.


A powerful Dashboard Management system, ZEGGO COOLHUB a cloud based Digital Comfort Cooling solution, enhancing HVAC Operations and Service and Save Energy.

Our Cloud solutions provide a wide range of capabilities, from basic remote HVAC unit control to advanced remote management and service of complex sites with multiple HVAC systems.

ZEGGO allow you to be in full control of your HVAC system status across any number of systems, brands, and locations. Control energy and optimize it to ensure efficiency, regulation and compliance.

Leveraging innovative machine-learning tools, you can prevent excess power usage, detect performance malfunctions, enforce operational modes, receive alerts, and more. You can also add external sensors and apply automatic logic to the building spaces based on system status and external indoor and outdoor data.